butterfly wings of winter

butterfly wings of winter

a day of contemplation...

Dear friends,
So, here I am, another day in Denali/Healy Alaska contemplating on walking,cross country skiing, driving my car... and especially walking a beach...not just any beach, but a beach in Homer Alaska, and then a beach in Maui Hawaii (my dream vacation).
It has been a long journey of healing...oh the art of being good at manuvering around in a wheel chair and crutching with attitude. The crutches alone got me great attention, very chic "lemonaidecrutches.com". Now that I can walk without aids, I have a lot of work ahead of me to get in shape. I am dreaming of beaches!!!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I am deeply thankful for many things, mostly my husband, who has stayed by my side these many months of healing. Also, it has been a year since my beautiful daughter has recovered from her second heart surgery, a very grateful me.
Happy thoughts for the many days to come...be grateful for the people who love you, be grateful for our future President, and most of all, be grateful for your life.
Love and hugs,

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